British Iron Age Period Divisions
The Iron Age period divisions for the UK were a tricky bunch to locate. There were plenty of websites, papers and books with one set or another in, but nowhere could I find a resourse with all three systems, giving the dates as well as the names of the divisions.
So to save time in the future I decided to assemble them in one place so I could compare them at a glance when, say, reading an excavation report written in the middle of the last century.
I hope it is of use to the both of us.
Current System
Early | c.800/700 – 300BC. |
Middle | c.300 – 100BC. |
Late | 100BC – AD43. |
Hallstatt/La Tene (archaic)
Hallstatt | c.700 – 480 |
Le Tene I | c.480 – 220BC. |
La Tene II | c.220 – 120BC. |
La Tene III | c.120 – AD43. |
Iron Age A, B, C (archaic)
A | c.700 – c.500BC |
B | c.500BC – c.100BC |
C | c.100BC – AD43. |