Dolebury Camp Hillfort, Somerset
Dolebury Camp hillfort (sometimes known as Dolebury Warren) is an Iron Age hillfort, bivallate on three sides (East, North, West)...
27 Nov, 2013
Dolebury Camp hillfort (sometimes known as Dolebury Warren) is an Iron Age hillfort, bivallate on three sides (East, North, West)...
27 Nov, 2013
Dowsborough camp c340 yards by 170 yards. The defence is a bank of stones with a ditch and second rampart...
27 Nov, 2013
Dundon hillfort. On the NW the bank has disappeared and there is only a scarp. Entrance was in the middle...
27 Nov, 2013
Unfortunately there isn’t a lot left of the enclosure at Elborough Hill hillfort. It was a semi-triangular hillfort with an...
27 Nov, 2013
Elworthy Barrows hillfort is a fine example of an unfinished hillfort in a situation where there is no defence. Enclosed...
27 Nov, 2013
Early Iron age earthwork consisting of a single bank and outer ditch, absent over the part where the slope is...
27 Nov, 2013
The enclosure on Grabbist Hill is centred at SS 9830 4367. It lies on the southeastern edge of the hill...
27 Nov, 2013
Ham Hill hillfort. The site consists of a roughly oblong plateau 800m N-S and 950m E-W with a spur running...
27 Nov, 2013
Unfortunately Highbury Hill hillfort has been damaged by quarrying. Skinner, writing in the early part of the 19th century, remarked...
27 Nov, 2013
Kenwalch’s Castle hillfort is a univallate enclosure occupying the full width of the flat top of a N-S ridge and,...