Great Woodbury Hillfort, Wiltshire

Univallate hillfort identified from the air in 1928 by Crawford.

Ditch sectioned by Phillips in 1938 yielding haematite coated and Belgic wares. No excavations were carried out in the inside.

A geophysical survey undertaken in 1990 by Wessex Archaeology was based aound the notional centre of Great Woodbury and employed a radial sampling comprising six linear transects. Within the enclosure a large number of internal features, mainly pits were found, along the potential north-east entrance. In the vicinity of the enclosure a number of ditches were recorded, these probably formed part of the associated field system.

Salisbury Museum has a box of pottery sherds from an excavation by Major and Mrs Vatcher which does not appear to have been recorded anywhere else. “A box of Iron Age/Romano-British sherds including rims from an excavation by Maj. L and Mrs F Vatcher”.


OS map reference: SU 1441 2790. Nearest town/village: Salisbury.

Information © Wiltshire County Council.

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