Park Hill Hillfort, Wiltshire
Bivallate hillfort covering 6 acres. Entrances on the east and west. It is of two period construction. The inner work is D-shaped in plan with sharp angles, enclosing an area of one hectare.
The hillfort is of two phases of construction. The first is represented by the outer ring work ditch comprises a large rampart with an outer ditch and counterscarp bank. There appear to be two entrances, one on the north west side which has been damaged by a later track, and another at the south eastern corner which is bisected by an old boundary bank, possibly of Medieval origin. The second phase of construction of the inner works are D-shaped in plan on the western side of the enclosure. This encloses an area of c1 hectare.
The rampart of the internal works measure 8m wide x up to 1m high, the width of the external ditch is 6m and varies between 3 and 1.2m deep. The uneven appearance of the bank and ditch suggests that this reconstruction phase was either not completed, or has been subsequently damaged. An earthwork laying to the north across the ridge is probably of the same period and is an additional defensive ditch.
Surfacing of the track through the ramparts and cutting back the entrances through the ramparts during 2003 did not produce any finds.
OS map reference: ST 7636 3473. Nearest town/village: Stourton.
Information © Wiltshire County Council.