Cissbury Ring Hillfort, West Sussex

Cissbury Ring hillfort is an Iron Age univallate enclosure of approx. 20 hectares. The main rampart stands at around 2.5 metres in height and was thought to have been revetted with upright timbers (1).

Cissbury Rifle Range

Cissbury Rifle Range – in the ramparts of the hillfort?

Like Castle Hill hillfort and Belle Tout hillfort, Cissbury Ring shows evidence of Neolithic activity, but of a far more dramatic and eye-catching nature – the western interior of the fort is dotted substantial Neolithic mine shafts.

Excavated by Lane-Fox (later Pitt-Rivers) during his Herculean tour and investigation of Sussex hillforts in the latter half of the 19th century. Illustrations of the excavation and finds from Cissbury are available to see at the excellent ‘The Other Within‘ project – an analysis of the collections at the Pitt-Rivers museum.


Google Map for Cissbury Ring hillfort. OS coordinates: TQ 1395 0805. Nearest town/village: Findon.


(1) Hogg, A. H. A. (1975). Hill-Forts of Britain. Hart-Davis, MacGibbon. London. P.177

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