Figsbury Ring Hillfort, Wiltshire
A univallate hillfort covering 15.5 acres with entrances on E and W. Excavation in 1924 by Maud Cunnington revealed horn...
30 Nov, 2013
A univallate hillfort covering 15.5 acres with entrances on E and W. Excavation in 1924 by Maud Cunnington revealed horn...
30 Nov, 2013
A probable hillfort (unfinished) including trackways and lynchets. Owen Meyrick found IA ‘A’ and IA ‘C’ sherds and animal bone...
30 Nov, 2013
Bivallate hillfort with inturned entrance to east enclosing 26 acres. Sherds found in interior, also many pits and hollows. Visited...
30 Nov, 2013
Promontory fort (known as Giant’s Grave), protected on the east by two ramparts. Sherds include furrowed and cordoned haematite wares...
30 Nov, 2013
Univallate hillfort identified from the air in 1928 by Crawford. Ditch sectioned by Phillips in 1938 yielding haematite coated and...
30 Nov, 2013
The remains of a large hillfort once defended by a triple line of ramparts. A single rampart survives. The pin...
30 Nov, 2013
Sub-rectangular hillfort enclosing c1.75ha. The monument is in an area of intensive Prehistoric and Romano-British activity, including field systems, a...
30 Nov, 2013
Univallate hillfort, roughly oval with a causewayed entrance on the eastern side. Iron Age finds. It was partly excavated by...
30 Nov, 2013
A univallate hillfort of 32 acres, probable entrance to NE with a ditch extending to NE (AM 534). 15 sherds...
30 Nov, 2013
Membury Camp (also known as Membury fort, Membury hillfort) is a large Iron Age bivallate hillfort of around 34 acres...